New PEI Woodlot Owners’ Association Moving Forward


After lots of meetings across the Island and many months of discussions, Island forest owners are about to move forward with a new woodlot owners’ association. Almost 88% of the Island’s forest land is owned and managed by private land owners.  Privately owned forests provide income and employment to hundreds of Islanders and wood from private lands is used to make building materials, paper products, and firewood to heat our homes.

New Brunswick Report


The Association of Registered Professional Foresters of New Brunswick (ARPFNB) presented to our Legislative Assembly a revised version of "An Act to Incorporate the Association of Registered Professional Foresters of New Brunswick", as Bill 22.  The main objective of this new Act is to move from Right to Title as Registered Professional Foresters (RPF) to Right to Practice (RTP), for our members.  This initiative provides protection to the public by ensuring the competency, independence, professional conduct and integrity of registered professional foresters who m

Toward sustainable biomass harvesting: the fungal perspective


Globally, concern over rising carbon emissions is driving intensive woody biomass harvesting for use as feedstock in the bioenergy sector. The rationale behind this trend is simple: using wood residue as a fuel source can provide energy products while dramatically reducing carbon emissions, potentially mitigating the effects of climate change.

Chittenden Nursery, the USFS, and the CCC as Partners in Reforestation


Reforestation in the eastern United States during the Great Depression was a multifaceted process with the involvement of many different government agencies and private groups. The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) managed land purchases, plantation projects, fire suppression, and forest management in the national forests. Each state had a department that provided similar operations for state and local forests. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) furnished significant labor to each of these agencies while being directed by the military.

In Support of Community Forests


A look at the benefits of community forests using the Wells Gray Community Forest as a successful example.



The principles of community forests, when applied by local management to an area which can support a viable forest enterprise, can provide significant benefits, of which Wells Gray Community Forest provides an example.


Distinctive features of a community forest are:

-an area-based tenure in the vicinity of a community

-local management which integrates community objectives and knowledge into operational plans and activities with a long term perspective.

Summer 2012


Community Forests
Soil Fungi
Worker Fatigue
Civilian Conservation Corps
Mountain Pine Beetle
Lyme Disease

This issue, a supportive case study touting the benefits of community forests, a look at the historical silvicultural practices pertaining to black spruce in Ontario and it's implications for caribou habitat, further consideration of the success of the civilian conservation corps, from a nursery perspective in addition to our regular Forest Heatlh, Safety and Regional columns.

Happy reading!