Fall 2012 final_med res.pdf3.12 MB
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A Carbon themed issue for Fall 2012; from carbon funded restoration of MPB killed forest in BC, to New Zealands permanent forest sink initiative, to collaboration between leading carbon standard organizations to achieve better clarity and trust in the market, we bring you diverse content on an increasingly relevant issue.
As always, Regional Reports, Forest Health and Notes from the Field columns and a feature article on inadvertant pest introduction through trade, round this issue out and guarantee to entertain and inform you. We hope you enjoy!
- Enabling carbon credit funded resotoration of beetle forest; is it possible?
- New Zeland's permanent forest sink initiative: experiences from a functioning carbon forestry mechanism
- Gold Standard and FSC land-use carbon powerhouse has high relevance for Canadian forest sector
- Fighting alien invasions with phytosanitary standards
- Notes from the field : Block Head
- Forest Health: Intensive silviculture management on most productive sites
- WSCA report
- Ontario report
- Society of American Foresters report