
Why profit is necessary for silviculture contractors and the economy


It may be stating the obvious, but silviculture owners should run companies that make a profit. Whether firms are actually doing that is not so obvious. At least that’s what I have to conclude after hearing contractors describe their various business models at the last WSCA Pricing and Market Summit.

 It is apparent that most contractors are making money. At least many are making money flow through their companies. And at the end of the day, or the field season, there is some left over for them when things go well.

What would your life be like Without Wood?


Your house. Your furniture. Your office supplies. Your musical instrument. You use wood on a daily basis.


Trees and forests give us more than just paper and because it is a renewable resource, they will continue to support us for years to come. The fact is, regardless of where you live in Ontario or Canada, you are intricately attached to forests and forest management. We are all users of wood so let’s talk openly and honestly about how we use wood and cut trees.

Yes, we cut trees.


Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta


The Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta (FRIAA) is a not-for-profit association governed by a Board of Directors who report to its industry members and to the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (ESRD). FRIAA has a mandate to deliver programs and initiatives that enhance forest resources and that benefit Albertans. FRIAA has a strong track record of efficient program delivery with full public accountability.

The Alberta Biochar Initiative “Launch” Event


On May 23, 2013 I attended the Alberta Biochar Initiative (ABI) Ribbon Cutting and Biochar Seminar at Alberta Innovates-Technology Futures (AITF) in Vegreville, Alberta.

This event was a celebration of the establishment of the ABI in order to “expand opportunities for biochar deployment in Alberta’s developing bioeconomy”, and a follow-up on the previous stakeholders workshop that was led by AITF in October 2011.

What is a Working Forest?


Peter Schleifenbaum, owner and manager of Haliburton Forest and Wild Life Reserve, was asked to open the recent OFA conference with a presentation on his perspectives of what a working forest is. His positive message and outlook kicked off the annual OFA conference off with enthusiasm and set the tone for the day. As a private landowner with a variety of activities taking place on his property, Peter has a unique perspective on what a working forest really means.


Association des entrepreneurs en travaux sylvicoles du Québec (AETSQ) - English Version


For the last several years, the first of April, 2013 has been on all of our minds; for the last few weeks, the new forestry scheme has been in place.  This signals a major shift for the logging and forestry industry in Quebec and will bring its share of adjustments for all parties involved, particularly for entrepreneurs and for the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Association des entrepreneurs en travaux sylvicoles du Québec


Depuis plusieurs années, le 1er avril 2013 était sur toutes les lèvres. Voilà maintenant quelques semaines que le nouveau régime forestier est en place. Ce virage majeur au sein de l’industrie forestière et sylvicole du Québec emmènera son lot d’adaptations pour tous les acteurs du milieu, particulièrement pour les entrepreneurs et le ministère des Ressources naturelles.